Saturday, 30 June 2012

Chickens, Part Deux!

The minions all climbed into the Minion Mobile and we all headed off to buy our new chickens. We arrived at the Poultry Centre en masse and had a good look around before heading for the hybrids pen. We chose three hens: A Bluebelle (they are grey-blue and lay light eggs); A Bovan (black with a gold throat, good layers); A Light Sussex (white with a black tail and neck).

After chasing them around for a while. The lady caught them and packed them into a box ready for us to stack in the Minion Mobile to escort them to their new home.

The chickens arrive at the newly refurbished chicken enclosure.

Minons 4 and 5 prepare the house.

Charlie brings the grub. Grandad looks on.

I put the chickens into their new home. This is Jemima the Light Sussex.

And here is the Bovan. Minion 5 named her Rosie.

And here is Lavender the Bluebelle! All three ladies, safely stowed.

They have spent today in the upstairs of their house. This apparently helps them imprint on their new home. Tomorrow morning we'll let them out into their run. Well, we'll try. There is a ladder that drops down but the last three were such thicketts we had to escort them up and down the stairs for several weeks until they finally got the hang of it. Let's hope these ones are a bit brighter. A busy weekend for the minions. We will let you know how are new arrivals have settled in next weekend!

1 comment:

  1. Minions, worms and chickens... You definitely have your hands full! And with the hens I think you may well have established a firm female stronghold and totally outnumber the boys now. Can't wait to meet the hens... fingers crossed you have out-foxed those foxes and these ladies are still around by my next visit x
