Sunday, 24 June 2012

A Minion Free Weekend

Charlie and I were minion free this weekend (except for little Minion 6 that is) so we decided to get stuck into our HUGE list of garden jobs. The weather, i.e torrential rain, has kept us out of the garden a lot more than anticipated for this time of year so we find ourselves quite behind at the moment. That's the trouble with gardening, there are often very narrow windows in which to get things done.

This weekend's list of jobs included lots of planting and preparation for next weekend and the arrival of the chickens and the worms...yes I said worms :-). We had to dodge the rain a bit but we're quite pleased with what we managed to get done.

Firstly, We wanted to extend our strawberry patch and plant some gooseberry bushes. We had a trip to one of our favourite garden centres (as well as having a lovely range of plants and trees, they do really great gluten free cakes in the coffee shop) and purchased compost and 4 gooseberry bushes. On our return we dug over the area; laid weed supressing fabric; planted the gooseberry bushes and then ducked inside as the heavens opened. On Sunday, (after a trip to another of our favourite garden centres) we covered the fabric with bark chips. Here is the result:

We are really please with our fruit section now. There are strawberries, blackcurrants, gooseberries, a cherry cordon and a plum tree. Not bad!

Elsewhere in the garden I was determined to sneak a few flowers in (Charlie thinks flowers are a waste of good vegetable growing space). I got a lovely hanging basket of fushia and planted a few pots up with nemesia and stocks....don't tell Charlie :-)

Charlie was hard at work in the chicken enclosure laying a few slabs and reseeding the grass. We planted sweetcorn and leek plants and put up supports for our peas (which are growing very slowly. All in all, a productive weekend. Tonight our garden looked like this:

 Next week, the minions return, and we will be introducing our new chickens and setting up our new wormery!

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